Act of War Wiki
"What? Those tapes are classified!"
This section of the Act of War wiki is archived, containing information from defunct fansites and wikis.
Do NOT edit any information in the archives unless it is fixing up spelling mistakes.

Quick introduction to the NDF language[]

In a few words...

NDF is a data description language designed by Eugen Systems to describe the data used in the game.

Its main asset is the ease it provides to describe a set of coupled data.

What does it look like ?

// Creation of an object named "MyObject" of class "TTruc"
MyObject is TTruc :
  ValueString = 'Hello World'
// Creation of an object named "YourObject"
YourObject is TTruc :
  AutreTruc    = MyObject
  ValueInteger = 322

The example above use the indented syntax, it can also be written using the parenthesis syntax, as follow. Warning: If you don't know Python, you are probably unaware of this indented syntax. It uses the indentation (whitespace) to indicate the run of a block. More info about it here:

// Creation of an object named "MyObject" of class "TTruc"
MyObject is TTruc
  ValueString = 'Hello World'
// Creation of an object named "YourObject"
YourObject is TTruc
  AutreTruc    = MyObject
  ValueInteger = 322